Breast – Tumors and swelling of the breast.
Neonatal bain – for the neonates having seizures / epilepsy. Any other small parts of the body.For the sonography of abdomen and pelvis and colour Doppler study of abdomen and kidneys take 4 glasses of water ½ hr before and do not pass the urine. Patient should be fasting for 2 hrs.
For the sonography of pregnant women just full your bladder. No need of fasting. Other studies do not require any preparation.
Abdomen – For liver, intestines and kidneys. Obstetrics– For the growth of baby in maternal hypertension. Scrotum– For the acute pain and in the infertility. Carotid– To look for the neck vessels in cases of paralysis. Peripheral i.e. upper and lower limbs– any swelling or blackening of the fingers / toes to look for blockages in the vessels.
All types of x-ray studies of the limbs, joints, spine and body including chest, abdomen, kidneys (KUB), skull, paranasal sinuses etc.
Barium studies for the intestinal diseases from oesophagus to rectum, IVU for the structure and function of kidneys. HSG for the structure of uterus and patency of tubes in infertility cases.
For the x-ray of KUB and lumbar spine take Tab Dulcolax (2) and Tab gasex (2) at previous night and come with fasting in the morning.
For special procedures contact the reception.
Kindly take prior appointment for Sonography, Colour Doppler & X-ray procedures. This will save your time .Pregnant women do not fast. For USG-Abdomen & X-Ray of Lumbar spine /KUB- fasting is required with Tab Dulcolax taken previous night.
Now a day’s CT scan plays an important role in all aspects of medical practice; diagnosis, screening, management and prevention.
Our centre is equipped with best quality and highly sensitive spiral CT scanner ” GE Prospeed”, which is capable of doing all routine CT studies along with high resolution studies and 3D reconstruction.
We are bound to provide you good and sincere service with prompt and quality reporting. Our centre is equipped with 24 hrs generator backup and ambulance service.
Highly qualified and experienced Radiologist and CT-SCAN technician is our main positive factor.
Having a scan in the first few weeks of pregnancy can be thrilling. It’s wonderful to see the little blob with a heartbeat that will become your baby.
This detailed ultrasound scan, sometimes called the mid-pregnancy or 20-week scan, is usually carried out when you are between 18 and 21 weeks pregnant…
A fetal echo is a specialist, detailed scan of your baby’s heart. This type of scan looks for heart defects…
This is the most important part of your baby’s life where the focus now will be on preparing baby and its organs to fae outer world…
The most common indications for intrauterine transfusion (IUT) are red cells for prevention and treatment of fetal anaemia due to haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn…
All pregnancies irrespective of age of the mother are at risk of developing some problems during pregnancy. These problems can affect ether health of the mother, like a high blood pressure developing during pregnancy or baby developing some problems like structural defects or genetic problems…